January / February F.A.R.M. Club Newsletter


Hello everyone! This is the first newsletter of 2020. Our newsletters are bi-monthly, so the next one will be in April.


We would like to Thank Larry Flynn, for doing a great job as our 2019 Club President. Our 2020 Club President is Jesse Coursen, and our new director is Garrett Guard.

We would like to Congratulate Richard Young for being the 2019 Club Member of the Year, and Congratulations to Ernest and Cindy McCandless for being the 2019 Club Family of the Year.


The dates for this years “Old Machinery Days” are September 17th-20th and the feature tractor is Massey Harris.

This year’s Tractor Trek, tractor ride, is June 20th. Be sure to save the date!


As a reminder, our Club Meetings are the first Sunday of each month at the Warren County Fair Grounds at 6pm in Building A. If there is ever a change I will send out an email to let you know. Our next Club meeting is March 1st.


If you have any questions, please contact one of our directors:


Jesse Coursen: 513-582-0941 or shovelkid@yahoo.com

Garrett Guard- 513-313-5545 or filterferrytwo@gmail.com

Dave Siebert ,treasurer - 937-603-4233 or davesiebert77@gmail.com

Regina Flynn, secretary - 513-266-7414 or flynn_regina@yahoo.com